One Earth
One Chance

Restore a clean, green and sustainable planet

Tree Planting

Trees counter the phenomenon of heat islands due to the expanses of concrete and asphalt in urban areas. Planting trees plays a pivotal role in countering these effects as they absorb carbon dioxide, reduce greenhouse gas concentrations, and provide cooling shade.

Litter Pickup

We organize community drives to pick up litter that is left lying to avoid them ending up in our rivers, oceans and landfills where they stay for decades doing harm to air and water sources. Organize a “plalking” event through us, to socialize, walk outdoors, and pick up trash in our communities.

Net Zero

The impact of one single use item multiplied by seven billion people is extremely devastating. We promote reduced and thoughtful consumption, reuse and recycling, avoidance of excessive packaging, and more.

Get Involved

We believe in “thinking globally and acting locally.”  We seek to replicate this model in every city. Our volunteer programs are both in person and virtual and count towards community service hours.

Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Plant trees and shrubs to reforest urban areas

  • Remove waste through litter pickup

  • Spread awareness about sustainable living

  • Explore technology to mitigate environmental issues

  • Help raise funds and personally donate!


One Earth One Chance
4603 Canterbury Ct
Parker, TX 75002


+1 (469) 443-8626

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